
Other then Team Evans running 5 minutes too long and Rampage telling Rashad to clear the room, it was pretty much a boring night until the fights. Team Rampage got to pick the fight again and it’s Wes Shivers vs. James McSweeney.

Fight starts out with James throwing a kick and Wes countering with a right that makes James retreat. James goes for the kick again and gets popped be the right hand of wes. James turns away and Wes chases him down to get the clinch against the cage. Wes sweeps the leg to get the takedown and half guard a minute into the fight. Wes doesn’t in flick too much damage but goes for a kimura that James gets out,gives his back up and they stand back up. James lands a few good leg shots but but backs up after them and doesn’t really capitalize on it. They both go for a kick and Wes hits James in the “nuts” and they get a breather. Action resumes and Wes lands some good combos that James again retreats from to the cage. James kicks, Wes punches, James retreats is pretty much the rest of the round. Close round but with the take down by Wes and james retreating looks like Wes wins the round. Wes is gassed going into the 2nds round….

Second round opens with James as the aggressor with some kicks, but again he really isn’t pushing the action and backs up alot. Wes goes for a takedownthat he gets partially but with him so tired James gets back up. Wes looks totally gasses and James landsa few good shots then just stands there. They both kick again and Wes catches James leg and gets the takedown with 3:48 left in the round. Has side control  and goes for a kimura again to get full mount. James gives up his back and Wes lands some punches to the face. He looks for the rear naked choke but James reverses and is now on top, but for some reason stands up. They are both gassed now and seem to fight in little bursts then rest. Neither are really doing much now with a minute left in the fights but James does land a leban-type right that buckles Wes. Again James doesn’t capitalize and Wes gets another takedown and gets his head in a choke that James can’t finish. Wes gets his head out and the bell rings to end the round. Wes was tired the whole round but got two takedowns and a few loose rear naked choke attempts. James gassed halfway through the round and did have the choke in at the end but I don’t think he won that round either.

Both rounds were close but I think Wes either won or we are going to a third round, which is not a good idea with both tanks on E. Both corners think it’s going to another round but ref says we have a decision. Judges score the fight 19-19, 20-18, 20-18 in favor of James McSweeney…. WHAT! Ok it was close and Wes was very tired but come on he got three takedowns, few submissions. He didn’t lose both rounds that’s for sure.

We have a few minutes left in the show and you can guess whats coming next. Rashad is ready to announce next weeks fight and it’s going to be Roy Nelson vs. Kimbo Slice. Rashad is going right after Kimbo by putting him up against what many believe is the favorite to win this season. This match up is rather interesting and very smart on the UFC part to tell us now giving a full week to hype it. Nelson is a former IFL champ with 17 fights under his belt so this will be a very tough test for Kimbo. This will be fun, let the hype begin….

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