Look Out We Just hit 1k
It’s not often that we publish the happening of the website, but some milestones are worth it. I’m very pleased to announce that this post is the 1,000th published on MMAValor.com.
At roughly 15 months old, the website has come a long way since post #1 and hitting this milestone is just another step in the overall growth of the site. None of this growth or milestones would be possible without you the readers, who check out the website on a daily basis and interact with the community. Equally important is the staff of writers who contribute to the site because obviously if there isn’t any one writing there would be nothing to read.
If I’m thanking people then can’t leave out the supporters, sponsors and advertisers for the site, past or present you all help make MMAValor.com what it is and your greatly apperciated.
Thank you and lets check back in a few when we hit 2k posts
Here are a couple of are recent articles on Saturdays Strikeforce: Fedor vs. Silva
Category: General
great stuff man!