Strikeforce: Feijao vs. Henderson Results
Taking place at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio, Strikeforce presents Two Title fights as the Co-Main event features Marloes Coenen takes on title challenger Liz Carmouche for the Women’s Welterweight Championship. In the Main Event, Rafael “Feijao” Cavalcante looks to defend his Strikeforce Light Heavyweight Championship against former Greco-Roman wrestling Olympian, Dan “Dangerous” Henderson.
Billy Evangelista vs Jorge Masvidal:
Round 1 – Masvidal and Evangelista square off, with Masvidal using his reach to try to land a jab. Evangelista can’t find his range with his combinations, with Masvidal landing on the outside. Masvidal lands and Evangelista gets grabbed in the clinch. Masvidal landing some knees and uppercuts, using his height. They break, but not for long as Masvidal lands some more strikes before Evangelista shoots in for a takedown, but can’t do much on top. Masvidal is really using his reach, throwing his jab out there and finding a home for it Masvidal. Evangelista trying to get something going, with some body strikes, but he’s being picked apart in the stand-up as the round comes to an end.
Round 2 – They clinch early and Evangelista tries a body lock and drag Masvidal down, but a nice wizard pretty much prevents and a knee on the way up to the chest of Evangelista. They clinch some more, but Masvidal is just too strong and too tall, landing some nice strikes. Masvidal gets a nice takedown of his own, working in the open guard of Evangelista, but the young undefeated fighter manages to get up. They separate and Masvidal continues to pick him apart with crisps strikes. With just under two minutes left, Evangelista tries a takedown and gets nothing. Masvidal gets a takedown of his own and is on top. Evangelista gets it back to the feet and is picked up and taken right back down with a nice double leg takedown. Masvidal finds his inner Anderson Silva and dropping his hands and avoiding any punches that Evangelista has for him.
Round 3: Round kicks off with Masvidal throwing out his jab. Evangelista trying anything to get inside and find his range, but he can’t. Nothing going right for the young fighter. A kick from Evangelista glances low but they continue on as Masvidal says he’s OK. A single leg attempt by Evangelita is stuffed by Masvidal as he balances on one leg. A right and a body shot earns Evangelista, but Masvidal doesn’t follow-up much and goes back to the jab. They clinch up against the cage, as Masvidal is looking to take Evangelista down again. The crowd is not pleased with the way this fight is playing out, Masvidal just looks happy to throw his jab out there and not risk anything. Evangelista is doing whatever he can to get something down and he can’t.
Jorge Masvidal wins via Unanimous Desision
Tim Kennedy vs Melvin Manhoef:
Kennedy and Manhoef start off. Doesn’t take long before Kennedy shoots in for a takedown, but Manhoef is able to defend well with a nice sprawl. A Nice jab and a thundering leg kick from Manhoef drops Kennedy to the ground briefly. Kennedy goes for another double, but can’t get it. Kennedy lands a leg kick, but is met with a nice counter punch from Manhoef. Kennedy goes again for a double leg and pushes Manhoef against the cage. Working against the cage, Kennedy drags Manhoef down and ends up in side control. Quickly moves to mount and throws some shots. Manhoef turns over and gives up his back, with Kennedy throwing some shots and trying to flatten Manhoef out to sink in the choke. Kennedy continues to work and gets the Rear Naked Choke and ends the fight.
Marloes Coenen vs Liz Carmouche:
Round 1: They come out quick, both looking to strike, Coenen trying to use her reach and put that jab out there, following it up with an outside leg kick. Coenen now with a straight right counter off a leg kick by Carmouche. Carmouche throwing her jab out towards Coenen but can’t land it, really falling short trying to find her reach. A low leg kick by Coenen lands as Carmouche throws out the jab. Another low leg kick is slightly checked by Carmouche. They close the gap and Carmouche grabs a body lock on Coenen. They switch positions on the fence, back and forth, as they trade some small shots back and forth. A nice knee finds the mark for Coenen and back and forth with some foot stomps. The ref seperates them with about a minute left in the round. A front kick from Coenen lands as the round ends and they clinch as the round comes to an end.
Round 2: Carmouche tries landing a low kick, but she’s really reaching forward with it and can’t seem to get enough power behind it. They both land few strikes, and they clinch against the fence again. Coenen manages to grab the Muay Thai Plum but can’t do much with it as Carmouche drops down for a double leg. Coenen sincks in a standing Guillitone and is arching back and trying to finish this fight. Carmouche drops back and ends up on top of Coenen and is able to get up. Coenen attempts an armbar, but is shrugged off and eats two big power shots from Carmouce. Carmouche gets the guard pass after another armbar attempts and lands some knees to the body. North Sound position for Carmouche as Coenen is looking for any type of sleep, trying to roll Carmouche over, but can’t get. Coenen attempts an ankle lock and gives up more position and gives up the mount as Carmouche throws ground and pound. Coenen is trying to throw her legs up and trap Carmouche, but can’t get it done. Carmouche is still throwing punches as the round ends.
Round 3: A front kick early from Coenen. And Carmouche pushes Coenen up against the cage again looking for another takedown. Coenen switches positions and Carmouche reverses it again. An elbow from Coenen. Just working in the clinch for both fighters. Carmouche is trying to keep it close, doesn’t want to eat too many elbows from Coenen. Coenen is landing some nice knees in this position. Carmouche gets another takedown and ends up in side control and now gets the mount again with about 2:20 left in the round. Coenen trying to explode her hips, but Carmouche has some solid top control. Coenen eating some shots, blocking a few of them, with a few getting through. The left hand is getting through as we get to about a minute left in the round. Just steady shots from Carmouche on top of Coenen. And Coenen really isn’t doing too much against this.
Round 4: They clinch quickly and this time Coenen gets the takedown and ends up on top, but can’t get past the guard. Coenen trying to pull something and now Coenen shoots up quickly for a double leg and gets Coenen down, but her one arm is trapped. She tries to pass, but Coenen locks up the triangle and is trying to finish this fight. Carmouche is fighting it and trying to get out but is forced to top out. Coenen rolls over with her head on the canvas, tired, but glad for the victory.
Coenen wins via submission(Triangle Choke) at 1:29 of 4th Round
Dan Henderson vs Rafael “Feijao” Cavalcante:
Round 1: Touch gloves and here we go. Hendo the taller fighter in this and starts the action with a nice leg kick to Hendo. A Minute gone in this first and not much action so far, but feeling one another out. Hendo released the right hand and it backs up Feijao. Feijao answers big time with an overhand right of is own that floors Hendo. Feijao jumps on Hendo, lands about two shots, before Hendo is able to reserves position and puts Feijao on his back and begins to work from the closed guard, trying to recover from that big shot. About 2 minutes left and the fighters are stood up. Hendo throws two shots and gets in the clinch as Feijao throws a knee that glances off the chest of Dan Henderson. Henderson with some short knees to the thigh of Fiejao in the body lock and Feijao answers back with one of his own. They separate again as the round is coming a to a close, not much time for anything to happen and it doesn’t.
Round 2: Touch gloves again to start the 2nd round. Hendo throws a big right and misses. But Hendo is starting to try to just land his winging punches, pushing Feijao back. A right glances and Feijao tries to go a double leg, but it’s stopped by Hendo and they clinch once again against the cage. Hendo grabs a single leg, but Feijao with good recovery. Feijao tries to get a bodylock and trip Hendo down to the ground, but Hendo with some nice hips reverses the position and ends up in the half-guard of Feijao. Feijao scrambles off his back and reverses Hendo as he grabs a single leg in the scramble, now working from the closed guard of Hendo. Not much happening and the ref stands them up again with about 1:40 left in the round. Feijao throws a high kick, that really doesn’t land. Feijao throws a big overhand right and a wide left that misses the target. Superman punch by Hendo finds the mark. A leg kick by Hendo, followed up by two straights that don’t find their way through, but Hendo clinches and drags Feijao down to the ground and ends up with the half-guard with about :30 seconds left in the round. Hendo will end the round on top.
Round 3: Touch of gloves again singles it’s time for round 3. A nice leg kick by Feijao is answered by a right by Hendo, but it hits the guard. Hendo goes forward with some strikes and gets the clinch, but Feijao manages to break it. They separate towards the center. Dan Henderson throws that right hand and it glances on Feijao as he throws a wild winging left. Hendo jumps all over the back of Feijao and throws some ground and pound. Dan Mirgliatta jumps in and pulls Hendo off. Dan Henderson is your new Strikeforce Light Heavyweight Champion.
Dan Henderson wins via TKO(punches) at :50 of the 3rd Round to become the new Strikeforce Light Heavyweight Championship.
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Category: MMA, Results, Strikeforce