UFC 148 Facebook/FX Prelim Results
Tonight before the mega-stars hit the UFC Octagon, the preliminary fighters will make their walk down and fight at UFC 148. With some big names on the undercard, you’ll want to watch on Facebook.com and FX. But if you can’t watch them, we’ve got you covered so check here for the results as they happen.
Rafaello Oliveira vs. Yoislandy Izquierdo -
Round 1: Great first round of action with Izquierdo utilizing a straight left and mixing up kicks to control the action standing. Oliveira got a nice takedown, but later when shooting, Izquierdo used the momentum created and rolled right out of it. Oliveira controlled the ground, Izquierdo controlled the stand up. Pretty even, but I score it 10-9 for Izquierdo.
Round 2: Oliveira again eats a couple of shots, but this time shoots and takes the fight to the mat. A failed triangle attempt by Izquierdo allows Oliveira to pass into side control. Round 2 is all Oliveira on the mat, controlling the action and position for nearly the entire round. The fight is momentarily stopped to check a cut on the top of Oliveira’s head. The fight is restarted on the mat and that’s where the round ends, scoring it 10-9 for Oliveira.
Round 3: Fight’s up for grabs here in the Round 3. After a brief time spent standing, Oliveira shoots in and takes Izquierdo down. He’s in full guard as he looks to pass. Another failed Triangle attempt allows Oliveira to pass to north/south and than side mount. Oliveira works a kimura but nothing much comes of it. Oliveira keeps Izquierdo from getting up in a scramble and nearly mounts him. 1:40 left in the round and Oliveira is just cruising now controlling from the top, but not doing any significant damage. Mounted Crucifix with a minute left, but nothing comes from it. As time expires, I score the third round 10-9 for Oliveira and the thus the fight in his favor 29-28.
Officially it goes to Rafaello Oliveira 29-28 on all 3 Scorecards.
Shane Roller vs. John Alessio -
Round 1: Both men immediately take the center of the Octagon and exchange jabs. Shane is leaning forward with his hands dangerously low at times. Shane lands a clean right hand that hurts Alessio, but he recovers as the two continue to sling shots back and forth. Alessio takes a brutal kick low, and action is halted. Action resumes as Roller shoots for a double, but Alessio escapes. A nice left hook stuns Roller but he recovers and the two clinch alongside the fence. Alessio shoots in some nasty body shots as the two separate the round nears an end. The two slug it out and Roller gets dropped by a combo as time expires in the round. Great round of action, I score it 10-9 for Alessio based on the knockdown.
Round 2: The two waste very little time firing shots back and forth. Alessio shoots in for a takedown but gets caught in a guillotine but escapes it. Roller takes Alessio down after a scramble and he sits in Alessio’s full guard. The two grapple and Shane passes the guard and lands a big elbow. Alessio scrambles but gives his back up in the process. Roller works patiently trying to get his hooks in. 1:15 left on the clock and Roller gets both hooks in, then locks on a body triangle. Alessio is in a bad spot here. Shane Roller is smothering Alessio with elbows and punches as Alessio waits for time to expire. That round was all Roller after the takedown and it’s one round apiece on my scorecard.
Round 3: Round 3 should determine the winner here. Alessio comes out and blasts Roller with a six punch combo, and Roller is stunned against the cage. Alessio pins him against the fence and then moves back to the center of the cage. Roller is diving and pushing forward and finally takes Alessio down. Alessio has to get out from under Roller if he expects to win. Roller passes but Alessio locks him back into guard and makes his way to his feet. Roller wastes little time trying to take Alessio down, but Alessio fights it. Shane Roller muscles Alessio up off the ground and onto the mat. Roller takes the back again. 2:00 minutes left and the fight is starting to look like Roller’s to lose. Alessio shouts, “Let’s fight! You wanna ride me?” Roller locks in the body triangle again, and locks on an arm triangle. Alessio sweeps him and throws haymakers as times expires. Alessio is clearly frustrated at the gameplan of Roller who runs around the cage with his arms in the air. 10-9 based on control for Roller, but Alessio did more damage in the first 30 seconds standing. 29-28 on my card for Roller.
Officially it goes to Roller 29-28 on all three cards.
Costa Philippou vs. Riki Fukuda
Round 1: Two great guys in there in this one. Neither guy runs in, as they spend some time measuring each other. Fukuda shoots and scores the takedown two minutes into the fight. Costa is working to get to his feet, and finally does. Fukuda shoved off of Costa and they return to standing and throwing shots. Costa is one of the better strikers in the UFC and the former boxer lands a couple of shots that swell the left eye of Fukuda. Costa lands another straight shot that peppers the face, and another. These shots aren’t going to KO him, but they are lumping him up and hurt him. Costa throws in a headkick and he’s in control now as they stand. As the round ends, Costa Philippou is in control winning the first round 10-9.
Round 2: Riki seems to not want to trade, and pushes Costa against the fence in the clinch and lands some dirty boxing shots. Costa pushes away and takes the center of the Octagon. The two clash heads and Costa then lands a three punch combo that hurts Riki Fukuda. Riki lands some nice low kicks, but they are countered by right hands. Riki lands a strong body kick. A kick catches Costa low and they stop the action for a minute. The leg kicks of Fukuda are becoming a factor now. Costa lands an overhand right that wobbles Riki. Solid back and forth action as the round nears its conclusion. Costa lands a combo as the buzzer sounds. Good round, back and forth. I’d score it 10-9 for Costa.
Round 3: The fighters are starting to slow a little as Riki tries to hold Costa against the fence. Costa breaks free and the two are again squared up. Ray Longo is heard yelling at Philippou to finish with the left hook. Nice combo from Costa as Riki has little answer standing. Riki shoots in and Philippou stuff him, showing some good balance in the process. The pace is slowing, as Costa has two in the bank and isn’t pushing the pace much. Riki has little to offer standing in the third, but pokes Costa Philippou in the eye and Costa is in agony as the doctor comes in. The fight starts back and Costa is immediately kicked low, he’s furious as he throws huge shots. The final horn sounds as Philippou wins the final frame and I score it 30-27 for Costa Philippou.
Officially they score it 30-27, 30-27 and 29-28 in favor of Costa Philippou.
Gleison Tibau vs. Khabib Nurmagodedov
Round 1: Mammoth Lightweight Gleison Tibau and the undefeated Khabib Nurmagodedov are in the cage and ready to go. A lot of measuring early, before Khabib shoots for a takedown that Gleison stuffs. Khabib continues the takedown attempt alongside the cage for the better part of two minutes, and they are restarted by Yamasaki. The two fighters sling leather with neither man holding a notable advantage before Khabib again tries to take Gleison down with no luck. Close round, what the heck, 10-10.
Round 2: The fighters again measure each other without throwing anything too big in the first minute of round 2. Gleison is avoiding wild strikes but gets hit and is cut. Khabib again struggles for a takedown against the fence but Tibau has none of it and lands a knee. Gleison takes Khabib down and after a scramble, catches Khabib in a Guilotine. Khabib escapes and pushes Gleison against the fence. Gleison escapes and lands a short right hand. Khabib throws wild shots that don’t land but does land a right hand at the bell. Another close round, but I think Tibau won that 10-9.
Round 3: The round opens with Gleison landing a right hand. Khabib is pressing forward, but is wild with the striking. He again leans in and tries to take Gleison down, but Tibau’s defense again passed the test and again fights it off. Tibau is just too strong for Khabib in the clinch. Tibau again takes Khabib down with reletive ease, takes the back, loses it and they are back standing. They are clinched again and Tibau won’t give up the takedown. Khabib lands a couple of shots against the fence, but Gleison lands a counter right. With a minute left, Khabib again throws wild shots and Gleison gets clipped with a right hand. 20 seconds remain the fighters both throw wild shots as the fight comes to a close. I score the last round for Khabib 10-9 for a 29-29 Draw.
The judges officially score it 30-27 across the board for Khabib Nurmagodedov (huh?)
Melvin Guillard vs. Fabricio Camoes
Round 1: Melvin Guillard and Camoes exchange low kicks. Melvin hits Camoes and looks to have stung him, but Camoes was off-balance. Camoes throws to the body and Melvin returns with a right hand to the body. Camoes defends a takedown with a kimura attempt and lands as they separate. Camoes slips after a right hand by Melvin and pops back up. Camoes lands a body kick, and Melvin counters with some shots that don’t land. Melvin ends up on top after a scramble, but jumps up as Camoes goes for a leg. Melvin takes Camoes down and is full guard. Melvin steps over into half guard, and lands a couple of shots but gets reversed. Guillard gives up his back and then gets mounted. Camoes is raining down elbows and a left hand hurts Melvin, but Melvin scrambles to his feet. Camoes throws a spinning kick, slips and Melvin pounces landing some elbows as time expires. Solid round, score it 10-9 for Camoes based on reaching mount.
Round 2: The two fighters stand and trade in the opening minute of round 2. Neither fighter is landing anything definitive. Single shots from both fighters, none of which find their home. A missed spin kick by Camoes followed by a single leg takedown but Melvin spins through it and the two are now against the fence. Camoes nearly secures a takedown but Melvin gets up. The crowd grows a bit uneasy as the two fighters slow. The Brazilian crowd chants “Brazil” as they spur Camoes on. Double underhooks and a trip takedown by Camoes. Melvin sits with his back against the fence trying to stand back up. Melvin stands up, Camoes throws a spinning elbow and Melvin again finds himself on top dropping elbows to close the round. The only real strikes that landed were from Melvin so he wins the round 10-9 on my card.
Round 3: This round might decide the winner. A rival USA-Brazil chant erupts in the arena. Camoes again misses a single leg and the two fighters stand and stare at each other. It’s limited action in the third round, and the fight is up for grabs. Melvin throwing ineffective single punches, and not letting himself go. With 2:30 left in the fight, whoever steps up can win it. Camoes lands a leg kick, and Melvin answers with a combo, only to be met with a right hand by Camoes. A minute and a half left, and the fight is out there for the taking. Camoes again fails to take Melvin down. Guillard and Camoes both seem satisfied with what they’ve done and with under a minute to go, they seem hesitant to make a mistake. Camoes shoots, and rolls into a leg lock. Guillard in some trouble here, and with the time running out, the submission attempt might be enough to win the fight for Camoes. I’d score the final frame 10-9 for Camoes, giving him a 29-28 victory.
Officials score it 30-27 across the board for Melvin Guillard.
For UFC 148 Main card results click here
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